Top 10 Richest and Popular People in Online Marketing That You Should Know

The invention of the internet has opened endless opportunities for individuals to make themselves filthy rich. However, it takes a lot arrive and those who have made it can tell you for sure that they had to work a lot harder than you can imagine. Here are the Top 10 Richest and PopularPeople in Online Marketing That You Should Know.

1. Sergey Brin

This 36-year old online marketing tycoon with net worth of approximately $18.5 billion is the co-founder of Google (along with Larry Page) which the world is most popular and successful search engines. He has a PHD from Stanford University.

2. Larry Page 

Larry Page shares many things with Sergey Brin. He is the co-founder of Google, has approximately $18.5 billion net worth and both were in Stanford university when they founded Google. He is currently studying to match his partner in academic qualification.

3. Jeff Bezos

Today, you can literally find all household as well as office equipment from thanks to Jeff Bezos. This graduate from Princeton University founded Amazon and this where he has accrued his wealth, which currently stands at approximately $8.7 billion.

4. Masayoshi Son 

Aged 52 years old, this Japanese billionaire is the founder and controller of Softbank, a Japanese firm with specialization in Telecom. His net worth is approximately to be $6.7 billion, which he accrued from the company.

5. Pierre Omidyar

This 46-year old online marker is the founder of eBay, another very successful online market where you can find almost any product you are looking for. His net worth is estimated to be $6.7 billion, which he has accrued from his 18 years in the industry.

6. Mark Zuckerberg

At only 26 years, Mart Zuckerberg is poised to top this list soon. He is a co-founder of Facebook Inc. but dropped out of Harvard University. His net worth is approximated to be $6.8 billion.

7. Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is another online marketer who as grown wealthy from his involvement with Google Inc. He has PHD in electrical engineering and computer science. He was also involved with Apple Inc. a move that resulted in his resignation from being the Chairman of Google.

8. Mark Cuban 

This 52-year old is the founder and the CEO of Broadcast.comwhere he has accrued his wealth. He also owns Dallas mavericks. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration. His estimated net worth is $2.6 billion.

9. Omid Kordestani

This 48-year old Persian native is another wealthy tycoon who has accrued his wealth from Google Inc. Professionally he is an electrical engineer and business administrator with MBA qualification. His net worth is estimated to be $ 1.9 Billion

10. Jerry Yang 

This 54-year old is the founder of Yahoo and currently the CEO of Yahoo. This is where he has accrued his wealth from, which currently stands at $ 2.3 billion. 


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